Sunday, October 20, 2019
German Word Aus Can Be a Prefix and Preposition
German Word 'Aus' Can Be a Prefix and Preposition The preposition aus is very useful in German and is used frequently, both by itself and in combination with other words. It is always followed by the dativeà case. The word is also frequently used as a prefix. The original meaning of the preposition aus was not only ââ¬Ëoutsideââ¬â¢ and to exitââ¬â¢, the same as it means today, but ââ¬Ëgoing upââ¬â¢ as well. Here are todayââ¬â¢s main meanings of aus defined, followed by common nouns and expressions with aus. Aus in the Sense of ââ¬ËFrom Somewhereââ¬â¢ In some instances, aus is used to express ââ¬Ëfrom somewhereââ¬â¢, such as when stating what country or place somebody is from. In those German sentences, the verb kommen (come) or stammen (originate) needs to be used, whereas in English that is not so. Ich komme aus Spanien. (Iââ¬â¢m from Spain.)Ich stamme aus Deutschland. (Iââ¬â¢m from Germany.) In other uses of aus as in ââ¬Ëfrom somewhereââ¬â¢, the same verb in both languages will be used. Ich trinke aus einem Glas. (I am drinking from a glass.)Ich hole meine Jacke aus dem Klassenzimmer. (Iââ¬â¢m getting my jacket from the classroom.)Er kommt aus der Ferne (He comes from a distance.) Aus in the Sense of ââ¬ËMade Out Of Aus welchem Material ist deine Bluse? (Whats your blouse made of?)Was wird aus Altpapier gemacht? (What is made out of recycled paper?) Aus in the Sense of ââ¬ËOut of/ Coming Out Ofââ¬â¢ Sie geht aus dem Haus jetzt. (She is coming out of the house now.)Das kleine Kind ist beinahe aus dem Fenster gefallen. (The small child almost fell out of the window.) Aus in the Sense of ââ¬ËOut of/ Because Of/ Due toââ¬â¢ Er hat es aus persà ¶nlichen Grà ¼nden abgesagt. (Heà canceled for [due to]à personal reasons.)Deine Mutter tat es aus Liebe. (Your mother did it out of love.)ââ¬â¹ Whenà Ausà is Used as a Prefix Ausà as a prefix often keeps its main meaning ââ¬Ëout ofââ¬â¢ in many words. In English most of these words start with the prefix ââ¬Ëexââ¬â¢: Aus Nouns and Their English Equivalents die Ausnahmeà - exceptionder Ausgangà - the exitdie Auslageà - expensesdas Auskommenà - the livelihooddie Ausfahrtà - the (highway) exit; to go for a driveder Ausflugà - the outingder Auswegà - the solutiondie Ausredeà - the excuseder Ausdruckà - the expressiondie Aussageà - the statementdie Ausstellungà - the exhibitiondie Auskunftà - informationdas Ausrufezeichenà - the exclamation pointdie Ausbeutungà - exploitationder Ausblickà - the viewder Ausbruchà - the escape; the outbreakder Auslnderà - the foreignerdie Ausdehnungà - the expansionder Auspuffà - the exhaust Aus Verbs and Their English Equivalents ausgehenà - to go outausleerenà - to empty outausloggenà I to log offausflippenà - to flip out, to lose itausfragenà - to questionausbrechenà - to break out; to throw upausgebenà ââ¬â to give outausfà ¼llenà - to fill outausbuchenà - to book (a flight etc.)ausdà ¼nnenà - to thin outauslassenà - to leave outausgleichenà - to even outauskommenà - to manageauslachenà - to laugh at somebodyausmachenà - to turn/ switch offauspackenà - to unpackauslà ¼ftenà - to air out Other Aus Words auseinanderà (adv.) - separatedausgenommenà (conj.) - exceptausdauerndà (adj., adv.) ââ¬â perservering; persistentlyausfà ¼hrlichà (adj., adv.) - detailed, thoroughlyausdrà ¼cklichà (adj., adv.) ââ¬â express, expresslyà ausgezeichnetà (adj.; adv.) ââ¬â excellentà (ly) Aus Expressions/Ausdrà ¼cke aus Versehenà ââ¬â by accidentaus dem Zusammenhang ausreißenà - to take out of contextaus der Modeà - out of fashionaus dem Gleichgewichtà - out of balanceaus folgendem Grundà - for the following reasonaus der Sache wird nichtsà - nothing will come out of itaus seinà - to be out Die Schule ist aus! (School is out!)aus Spaßà - out of fun
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